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Spirit travel through time and space as we, people of the sun, have always done.


All photos of this series combine self portraits edited to render the body in motion and superimposed in landscapes photographed on location (Serengeti, Zanzibar, etc.) and combined with sourced images of the sky. (except no.1 which uses a sourced image for the location)

A collaboration with Kwesi Abbensettes. 


Photographed on location in Jersey City with lace fabric. We each have been working with the original images independently deriving to new meaning.

This series was created during my time at the Fresh Milk International Artist Residency program, 2017. The residency is situated on what was formerly Willoughby's Plantation, circa 1660, in Saint George's Parish, Barbados. 


The series is a reflection on the enslaved Africans and their descendants who once lived, labored, and died on this land. 

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